Trying to Exsplain why nothing makes since

To Start. 
Christ is anointed and of the earth. IHS = Isis-Horus-Sol 
Christ is Isis's Son. Horus-> Making her mother of god. - his story is very similar to the Messiahs who is Emmanuel 
Mass for christ Christmas is his birthday and SOL-INVICTUS birthday. The Sun who represents lucifer the day morning star. Constantine and the priest of the Vatican or Christianity 
Changed SOL-INVICTUS day to mass for christ. Christmas!
It is also them that changed the Father in heavens day Sabbath in Latin Saturday. 7th day to Sun Day lucifers day. 
Made it against the law to worship on the 7th. Saturday. 
Keep in mind the Angel that won mastership from Adam is the Father of the Earth. The Father in heaven give this to him when Adam could not take simple directions-  the Sin he let in. 
To exsplain why the Angels that come with,  they call Fallin, 
Had children with Daughters of Ruddy red Man or Adam, yes the definition for Adam is ruddy red man. To show a gene created then the Angels bread with to create the gods of the earth, before the flood.  Their gene carried on after, that is when the title Messiah was given from the heavens.  Chosen of the heavens!  It can't change! 
Then Sol/Saul/Sun, the star that fell from the heavens and became our morning day star. ✡  Sol-Invictus is lucifer. The Angel that helped create the star that is named after him. 
To help people understand the worship of the planets and stars. 
The angels taught their blood line how to use the energies of the earth through words, images. Rituals, statues pendants 
This is fruit we are not supposed to be part of.  And real easy to see->  the Fish symbol the crucifix represents the gate way to the dead or Jesus/IZues his brother Hades, keeper of the gateway to the dead, The creator of Christianity is the living city built over the gateway to the dead. This is the Vatican. The blood line of tge angels. That created Christianity,  to gain blessings in the end. 
Christianity was created long before it was recreated  
Remember the followers of christ -> Horus. Christians ✝️ 
To show it was just brought back in. 
Emmanuel is his only name. And given by the heavens. 
Just like the day set by the fatger in heaven can't be changed. 7th
Emmanuels name can't and hasn't changed. 
Yeshua is just saying Jesus or esus/ that is hiZeus. A very powerful God. That is real. Just like the Father in heaven pointed out, he is a jealous God, showing us not to be tricked again into worshiping the gods of the earth. 
The angels and their decendants. 
This was the reason for starting tye religions. To get people to support and worship the gods and Father of the earth.  Simply the hellinest or greek/Roman gods. Of the earth.  Notice Rome or the Vatican, world banks,  corporations and the world health and so on.  Are all part of the Roman catholic church /Vatican that is creatore of Christianity,  now if you looked at the Bible. You should have noticed.  Emmanuel made his people their own temple, he became the Sin offering with his blood, then became the high priest , The mediatore between us and the Father in heaven. Because we can't talk to him. Notice tge vail ripped when Emmanuels flesh died. 
Closing the only and last church/Temple of the fatger in heavens.
Then the spirit of truth, came to every one that will become meek again and trust in it , have to be reborn in the spirit, like we were in the flesh. The brain. The spirit is pineal gland. Pineal means godface. Defined in genesis
We must become meek as a child again and listen and the spirit
The only way 
We must pray in Emmanuels name to be forgiven. 
The spirit of truth was given, so we woukd not have to ask any one what the father wants us to know.  
This is due to, there being no one left in Emmanuels time to teach or share the Father in heavens word. Instructions. 
His Son died after giving us our instructions. 
In John you will see the high priest and scholars were of Abraham's seed, but of their father of the earth and creator of their own lies.  In Emmanuels time. He shows us.  Tgey have grown much greater today. But Ran every thing and dominated back then.  Scholars schools. Wrote the Education system to create products for profit.  Why nothing fits. 
Myth- Mythraism is one that Christianity took the place of. 
Worship of the gods of the earth and SOL-INVICTUS  luciferism 
The head is the Roman Catholic church or Vatican. Lucifers or tge Angels Blood line. 
Maybe this wi.l help people understand how easy it is to see the fruit.  Tge images Rituals statues crucifix fish represent the gods of the earth.  The fruit is how you can see what not to be part of. 
Why only a few make it. The chaff / Weeds are the angels blood line that choke the yield. The  Father in heavens children. 
This should answer a lot of questions. 
Who's authority am I sharring in?  The Father in heavens, and his Son that sits at his right hand still today. My Family and blood line. 
The spirit shared I researched made sure,now I have to share. 
My job. If you don't like what I share.  For your and your family's sake, if you want your blessing and theirs, at tge End, check me, this is the truth. I don't waste my time answering stupid questions, or trying to exsplain, or arguing.  It does not matter what any one thinks, only what is the truth.  You join in on the birthdays and days of tge gods.  You are slapping the Father in heaven and his Son in tge face.  Your blessing will be traded in tge end. 
That is the answer to the double edge sword.  
Of the heavens or the Earth.  
Two diffrent all in one. 
King James falls under SOL-INVICTUS the crown 👑 represents Lucifer's  rain and blood line. 
Thank you for reading. 
I'm just practicing writing all of this on here,,, but share so others can see. 
George Jarrell
http://Www.Dirtysouthnews.comMare it how you want it. 
I love my Father in Heaven , his Son my Brother in heaven and our Family. I pray read and study what I wrote, in hopes they too will get their blessing.


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