My time is over--> I'm on His Time now!

 You have to become  meek again and trust your spirit ! That llittle voice thats always correct!!!
He give us the spirit of truth
Because there was none left to teach!
The Scholars preachers teachers high priest & the last of the blood line in power. Became at zero more of their father lucifer, father of the earth and creator of their own lies. 
He became our high priest and mediator because he closed the temple, Temple is No More!  For the Father in heaven!  033
He became OUR SIN offering
SO WE could pray in his name (EMMANUEL) and Be Forgiven!
He closed the only Temple/Church 
And Last! 
Emmanuel is his name TO pray in 
-> It did not change & NEVER WILL!
The Messiah came to close the Temple
THE high priest and scholars BLOOD LINE HAD BECAME MORE OF THE FATHER OF THE EARTH AND CREATORS OF THIER OWN LIES! Lucifer - the Fallen from heaven star that is now the sun or morning day star!
-> The high priest--> killed him & searched him out since his birth!
The veil  ripped when his flesh died closing the temple & Gods chosen to teach and preach!  Their blood line had become more of their father lucifer father of the gods and children of the angels tbay had children with the daughters of man before the flood,  that was reborn after the flood. The angels taught their children and wives to use the powers of the earth, through writings songs images idols and rituals. To help you understand why the ten commands. Certain days where agreed on by the father and the angels. 
God said no Idols or image's "none" His day is the 7th saturday, to the END!
Sun day is lucifers the sol invictus The Day morning Star  sun 🌞  Saul sol sun
Notice the fruit--> Image's and Idols show you the wrong direction, He said NONE!
People ask me what my  goals are now ?
MY Answer IS,  THE Father in Heavens Goals!
Mine is to Make sure people see The Truth!
Then they can Decide!
I had my time to play, Now it's His!
It really is his Gas I'm running on!
I ran out, the first time he kept me here!
Then a few more. Knowing i wasnt getting my blessing.  
This and what i share is my blessing. 
If I give you an untruth, I get no blessing!
This is praising and sharing the real truth people have been looking for. 
Today I just let him lead the way!
George Jarrell


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