Angels and the Father in heaven decided on the days of worship!!! we can't decide. it's already set !

I share so people that do want their Blessing at the end know, we are going to be judged by what we do now, who we worship, the days we praise on are already set for the gods. Then the Father in heaven has his day.  Saturday the Sabbath. 
We have to understand, the Father in heaven Said he is a Jelouse God, not to worship any other. He told us for a reason. We are not doing listening to him, we have been listening to the preacher and teacher. Instead of the Father in heaven.
 Be of the world or be of the heavens. 
The gods are real. You are recognizing and celabrating the gods of the earth on their days. 
It is not possible to be any other than what it is!
It is a very big deal,. And no different than praising on the Father of the Earth's day. Sun day. 
Is Sol Invictus day. Lucifer's day. That people have been tricked into thinking. It is the Sabbath.  
Well it is, but for the gods of the earth. 
Never can be any thing other than what it is. 
Not our call.  The Father in heaven and the angels and or Lucifer agreed on these days long before they became special.  You do what you want and you celabrate your gods, I'm riding with mine the Father in heaven. I do not include myself in any praise or celabration on the gods of the Earth's days. I will not slap the Father in heaven or his son in the face.  
I love my Father and Brother in heaven!
Make it a happy day.  


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